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How to save game progress?

what time is the new version being released?

I believe there still working out some final checking once it done they upload it on patreon

I'm sorry, but I also have a question when the new version will be released?

Deleted 1 year ago


The XXXmas 2 today, the 0.1.7 free version i don't know

what time is the new update coming out

Is there a mobile version?

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Are the characters supposed to be all purple or did i break something?

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

where can i download CSS? and what do i do after downloading it

Deleted 1 year ago
(2 edits)

oh you meant CS source also i think i already have dx11 since it comes with windows 10 ill check btw thanks for helping me

Edit:I have DX12 and i downloaded CSS but its still purple models

Deleted 1 year ago

el juego esta muy bien trabajado, aunque se note que le falta desarrollo (por ejemplo que solo halla un solo nivel del modo historia)... pero para futuras actualizaciones me gustaría que lo optimizaran para dispositivos de pocos recursos, porque aunque mi pc no sea la mejor, y corre decentemente el juego, las pantallas de carga duran una eternidad... fuera de eso, el juego esta bueno, y me gustaria algun día verlo compleado!.

When will detailed graphics settings appear?  The game runs smoothly, and when certain light sources appear (Monitor in the security room, flashing lights, etc.) everything starts to lag a lot.

Can we get 0.1.7 finally for free? I want to play and want to collect new scenes...

plz bring this version for free

(1 edit)

0.1.7 is coming tomorrow I think, April 15th

So if I understood this correctly, the latest version is for Patreon and after one, the others will also get the version, and Patreon would then get 0.1.8 right? 

so the 0.1.8 will release in 15 april  but in what timezone, utc -1, utc-2 or what?

Hey, um I just played the Christmas special two nights ago and got the secret ending. But when I looked in the arcade. I didn't have the wallpaper or the money, so after an hour, I got though it again and still nothing, is there any way for me to fix this or is it just a permanent bug?

Also, thanks for the game other than this, it a Smash >:}

This feature appeared only 0.1.7, sorry. 


Uh can someone tell me the system requirements for the game?, im playing this on a stone laptop.

with the lowest settings and 720p resolution you can run it on a brick with a mirror as a monitor

Deleted 1 year ago

es una falsa alarma. Si al instalarte el juego por Mediafire o por MEGA te salta el antivirus o directamente no te deja instalarlo, prueba a desactivar el antivirus, reinstalar el juego, extraerlo y por último poner la carpeta del juego en la lista de procesos confiables antes de reactivar el antivirus de nuevo. Yo también tuve el mismo problema que tú y lo solucioné de esa manera.

Deleted 1 year ago

Tengo un problema con las texturas. Me salen rosas solo de los animatronicos . Lo demás va bien ya lo descargue 3 veses. Tengo un direx  desente 


Ya cambiaste o actualizaste tu Direct11?

Si tengo el 12 y mi dxdiag me dise que todo en orden

would you ever make this available for Mac? I'd love to play it

donde puedo descargar las siguientes actualizaciones 

can someone tell me how to solve the tile puzzles or show me a slowed down video? These kinds of puzzles are always difficult for me. 


There is no specific way, puzzles always appear with a random sequence.

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

The simplest answer is to git gud.

(2 edits)

Got a question, what happens if in arcade I manage to stay clean for 5 days?, like do I get something?

Deleted 1 year ago
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Oh, then I might've misjudged the part in the description that says this "Spend 5 nights in abstinence and get a reward, because on the weekends, staff members get a free night with the animatronics all to themselves!" but anyways, thx for answering :D

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For some reason when i try to download it, it wants me to buy a "WinZip" bull shit. How do i fix this, because i aint spending money on a sketchy ass looking thing. I just want some help to get rid of this shit issue.

By the way i am kind of shitty on installing these types of games.

download 7zip instead. it's free and can unzip most archive files, including .rar files

I did and now is trying to open the game, but it can't even open it.

Did you try checking if your antivirus has blocked the game?

It is what happened to me and it turns out I just had to turn the antivirus off and reinstall the game.

what you need to do is go to the zipped file right click it while its selected then click extract all and put it in a file made by you you dont need winzip

My audio ain't audio-ing correctly. like its not there at all for some reason

Nvm my computer was just having a stroke

does someone know how to get chiku BJ scene


get the mistletoe and candy and then go to the kitchen with the christmas decorations equipped and put the mistletoe above the fireplace and the candy in chiku's stocking and then she will do the deed

Hi guys! So recently, I've switched PCs and I want to know how to transfer the files of this game from my old PC to the new one without losing my progress. Does anyone know how? I don't want to lose my money :(

If you have the opportunity to turn on your old computer, then transfer the entire folder with the game to the cloud from it, there is probably no other way. No, you can hack the game so that you have a lot of money, but I didn't tell you that.

u can also just use an usb it is just easier

Tienen planeado hacer un port para mobile ???

the games is not in the folder

turn off your anti virus and reinstall


I had the same problem and found out my anti-virus software was blocking it. Not sure why. There's no virus.

what is that song that playin in the storage room ? "u are a whore" one 
plz im soo wanna find it help me ! ! !  thank u ^_ ^

Can i get unbanned from ds server  pls ?

how did you get banend 

I just wrote 1 word and get banned 

ogni volta che provo ad avviare lo speciale natalizio si chiude il gioco

Heyyyyy why cant we install this on itch like all the other games??


Good game, a good breath of fresh air from all the adult visual novels

(1 edit) (+1)

The next update finna be fire


15th april


tengo una duda, este juego cuanto tarda para que tenga nuevas versiones?


Buenas, cada mes sale una actualización de dicho juego! Que actualización tienes?

gracias y respondiendo a tu respuesta tengo la 1.6.

Loco la actualización 0.1.7 saben cuando saldra? La versión que tenemos la mayoría 0.1.6


is there a crashhandler64 version of the game?

i dont know how to download can someone help 


You download the game by clicking download, if on computer it'll give you options on what to download. If you're on computer then you choose the one that says "Win" at the end. Once it's done downloading you right click it, 7-zip and click "extract here" if you want the folder with the game on it to be in the file location the zipped folder is currently or "extract files..." to choose what folder you want to put it in. Once your done, double click the extracted folder (the one that doesn't have the zipper on it) and click the only one that just says the title of the game.

If you're on Android, I don't know. Look up a tutorial.


If on android get a pc cuz its not releasing anytime soon unless you wanna get a virus

(1 edit) (+1)

is there virus in game?

Deleted 1 year ago

when does new update come out?

April 15th

tengo, un problema y es que no puedo jugar al modo especial, se me cierra el juego, no se porque pasa

No sé, intente Bajar la configuración de gráficos, tal vez esto ayude.

lo intentare, gracias bro.

Bajar la calidad y la resolucion si hace que vaya mas fluido


How do I use the anti Krampus spray in the Christmas update?

Find it, take it, open the inventory, select it, and use it on the right mouse button.


this needs a guide I don’t know how to unlock the scenes and I don’t feel like just doing trial and error.
Also, unrelated and not a big deal but there is no way to skip the cutscenes so when I clipped into the chair in the staff room night 1 and got stuck I had to sit through 2.5 minutes of cutscenes again

Deleted 1 year ago
what should i do if all the animatronics are pink?

Anyway to boost performance my pc is slower than a turtle carrying a 500 pound weight so I could use some idea for boosting it


dude im such a scaredy cat but its a really good game

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