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I really want to know which PC (below 1000 pounds) would run this game best, I ask this cuz my laptop ran the game well (before 1.6) and now it's just too bad to handle the newer updates (it keeps crashing on arcade mode on v1.8-9 and can't run XXXmas)

Pokud máte arkádový režim, nastavte grafiku na nízkou nebo ultra nízkou 

well what are the specs of your laptop?

I don't quite know what it's specs are but all I know is that it's a basic windows 11 with a pentium gold processor


if you navigate to task manager and go to your gpu, does the name contain anything along the lines of intel or uhd-620, or mx 150, if so, then thats probably the issue, either lower the graphics to their lowest degree or change resolution sizes,  if that doesn't work, i recommend upgrading to a pc with a better gpu, also, would you mind specifiying what generation of processer that pentium gold processer of yours is?

The pentium gold processor is from the 2000s I think it came from 2007, but as you said I should probably get a better laptop witha more modern processor


I recommend this because i had the same issue, i had an intel i7 4400k and ever since i upgraded, it has been better.


i like eggs


Does anyone know how to solve the texture problem in the game, the animatronics look pink?

Update your GPU Driver to latest version. If that does not help, then it does not support in using Pixel Shader 5.0 on DirectX 11.0, so you may need a new graphic card.

how do I unlock the extras tab in Marie’s shop?  It won’t let me click on it. What do i do?

Nothing. it's not available right now

then how do people unlock the marionette scene and bonfie scenes?

(2 edits)
1x.webp (44×32) ?

For marionette: you need to buy cucumber from shop, pick up Milk from the fridge, find lefty plushy and put All of the Items in shop/prize corner window.

For bonfie: you just get caught by her.

But I’m not able to buy the cucumber

nevermind I figured it out

is it supposed to say version 1.9

The 2.0 is delayed untill the Arcade mode is fixed. It was unplayable due to crashes.

cuando va a salir la actualización 0.20 en esta pag hasta ahora está la 0.19

will 2.2 be released soon after

Deleted 223 days ago

Algo me dice que funaran a este pibe  :v

(3 edits) (+2)

One question that I and possibly many others ask, are you trying to die?

Bruh they took it down. its okay


u can post the 0.2.0 version?

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They cant. Because thats illegal, and only the devs themself can post the update.
Any link you see on itch is not from the devs themself. And any other site that has the downloads for free are unofficial, and are more likely being a virus or people trying to hack you.

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Technically patreon got 0.2.1 while we were supposed to get 0.2.0, the reason they chose not to was because 0.2.0 is literally broken, no one knows why. happens when you finish a night in arcade, when finishing a night, the game randomly crashes.

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2.0 was unplayable because because arcade mode would crash when you finish a run in the arcade mode, or when you got caught by the girls and then return to main menu of arcade mode. They then had to disable it for the 2.1 because they need to fix it so its playable with no crashes.

The admins on Discord said that the next update for the public version is delayed until they have the Arcade mode fixed.

When that would arrive is unknown, but it could be that they gonna skip 2.0 or 2.1 update for when the Arcade mode is fixed. So you could end up on being able to play the 2.2 version, but so far lets just wait and hope they able to fix the Arcade mode, so people can catch up on the latest public update.

Man you must not like life

i know some of the scenes havnt been added yet but i have noticed that there are scenes for golden that i cant seem to get any tutorials on, the same goes for some scenes for frennie, bonfie chiku and fexa. are they unlockable or are they going to be added on later dates?


Por el momento solo hay 22 o 24 escenas creo, las demás saldrán en futuras actualizaciones :))

Deleted 77 days ago

any news on 2.2 update is it near?

Un idolo Toby como siempre! Ya alcanzaste los 20 likes XD pero realmente queda poco para finalizar esta parte de la noche 2, en unas semanas se viene la continuacion de la historia, ahora avanzar la historia principal es nuestra prioridad.(Fatal Fire Studio)

Palabras de Fatal Fire en un canal de Youtube :))


I honestly can't wait for part 3 of the XXXMAS Special

 We could get 2.0 by late october or mid november if we get lucky but not sure just guessing by how fast updates get released now

Does anyone know why it won't let me play the arcade mode? I have to be a member or I have to do something specific to be able to play the arcade mode, I don't understand, if I want to play it it automatically takes me out of the game
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Try set your games priority to high in the task manager.
You might also wanna try lower your resolution and graphics to lowest possible.

where do I go to find the fuses for the generator?

En la habitación del vestidor personal, justo al lado de nuestra habitación principal en la dirección izquierda, al entrar hay un armario ábrelo y lo encontraras. :))

Storage room to the right of your office.

Why is 2.0 not avaliable here even tho the 2.1 is relesed on patreon?

They are still fixing the bugs that are in 2.0 when will it be available here is still unknown.



But i love chicken, Eddy!

Informacion de Fatal Fire en un canal de YT de TOBYGAMEPLAY:

Un idolo Toby como siempre! Ya alcanzaste los 20 likes XD pero realmente queda poco para finalizar esta parte de la noche 2, en unas semanas se viene la continuacion de la historia, ahora avanzar la historia principal es nuestra prioridad.(Fatal Fire Studio)

Asi que si era verdad que ya se acerca la segunda parte .   :)))

Una pregunta, el juego tiene virus, porque cuando lo descargué, me salta una alerta de virus, lo descargue desde esta pagina?

me puedes ayudar?

Puedo asegurarles que el juego no tiene ningún virus.

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Extremely difficult game, don't know how to work at all, and items disappear after being picked up.

OK el juego es facil no tiene nada de extravagante pero primero es saber como moverte , ya los botnes de movimiento seguro los conoces , corres con SHIFT , tienes la barra de energía trata de utilizarla correctamente, manejar la pantalla con el MOUSE trata de bajar la sensibilidad en los ajustes del juego y si sigue la pantalla loca baja la sensibilidad del MOUSE en tus configuraciones del sistema, seguimos; en el Arcade tenemos una PC con una pantalla que debes manejar a Tres chicas si es que no has desbloqueado a Bonfie, con Frenni esta en la parte de arriba cuando le das click al monitor, basicamente pulsa su caja de musica que te indican para darle tiempo y no salga, luego Chiku que en el modo facil tambien tiene para darle click al microondas y no salga, en el modo normal y dificil debes ir a la cocina y tocar el microondas para tener tiempo y Fexa solo es mirarla por la PC.

Las misiones si tienes que practicarlas

Mision Mas facil: 

-Limpiar inodoros(4), Regresar a lefty a su lugar, Delvolver una caja de XD y Botellas de vino al bar(7).

Mision mas dificil:

-Ordenar 4 cuadros, Limpiar en el Baño con el kit de limpieza en la zona de accesorios al lado de nuestra habitación se encuentra,  Recoger la basura y devolverla al Basurero que esta en movimiento, y Ordenar las cosas en el vestidor personal.

Cuando te toque la mision Dificil siempre obten el FUSIBLE en la zona de accesorios porque se va la luz y tienes que reactivarla rapido, la zona esta al lado de donde sale FRENNI en la sala de ELECTRICIDAD.

Importante cuando recojas algo pulsa ESPACIO  para abrir el inventario, para colocar cosas o usarlas pulsa ESPACIO y arrastra el objeto que tienes a su lugar con el Mouse.

Te recomiendo practicar en modo facil porque las chicas tienen mas tiempo antes de que salgan. 

Creo que hice un resumen apropiado pero te recomiendo ver en YT videos de tutoriales. :)))

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Well the game is a little tricky for people that are not familiar with the keyboard and mouse controls to play this game if that the problem you should ask around about the controls i am sure someone will answer your question about the keyboard and mouse controls.

Once you got use to the controls play the arcade mode on easy mode to earn a little bit of money and save up to buy yourself a companion they are very useful for arcade mode in normal and hard difficulties and it will make them much easier to complete the task.


Adam sabes lo del easter egg de purple guy en el juego, hace desaparecer a las chicas y se crashea el juego. Nose si sere de las pocas personas que le sucedio

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Purple guy 😳😳😳 huh i never saw things like that in my play through so no i never ran into something like that ????

I will ask my two YouTube friends if they ran into something like that maybe they can shed some light on this matter.

Edit: in what version are you playing that you get purple guy can you tell me???

Okay i did a little research but didn’t find anything about this Easter egg I did find a video on YouTube about it but it doesn’t say anything about it sorry 😣.

Otro sería caerse al vacío en el laberinto de Krampus, me salio el Screamer de Golden Frenni con una pantalla estática lleno de codigos y letras que parecia árabe , puede ser algun error o no se pero me paso en el laberinto.

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I'm checking that rn. so if this is a fake i'll tell that later.

welp it seems to be a fake, even when generator goes off there is nothing here

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alguien me ayuda me dice error en mono no se que es 


i know it probly wont happen, but i figured id suggest it anyway. a multiplayer mode could be fun.


One of the admins on their discord said that they won't make multiplayer.

fair enough, was worth a shot tho

Como puedo solucionar el error unity 2019.4.11f1_2d9804dddde7 ya que me sale cuando entro al modo arcade

Intentaré descargar de nuevo el juego para ver si funciona

gracias  si me funciona 

Windows 7 64 bits

what do you use to run the program on?

Musíš ho stáhnout extrahovat a rozkliknout složku v souborech a kliknout na soubor s obrázkem frenni a můžeš hrát

Gente tengo un problema con el juego, y es que se me cierra luego de la introducción de fatal fire studios, sencillamente me dice que "fap nights at frennis dejo de funcionar" no creo que sea mi PC ya que tiene 8 de Ram y procesador de 3,00 ghz

so will the patch have arcade mode blocked or available when released to public?

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It's delayed untill the crashes in the Arcade mode is fixed. So on other words, you get the version that has the Arcade mode fixed. When that is, I have no idea, but hopefully in November 

thanks :)


hasta que versión esta? a mi solo me sale hasta la 0.1.9


Estas en lo correcto por el momento en esta pagina que es la gratuita esta la versión 0.1.9, muy diferente en patreon de Fatal Fire que si pagas tus 15 dólares tendrás acceso a la 0.2.0( aun con bugs de crasheo hasta el nuevo parche) y la 0.2.1 que solo tiene la noche 2, el modo arcade de esta versión esta bloqueada hasta la posible 0.2.2 que puede venir en noviembre dependiendo como van los desarrolladores. :))


Surprisingly fun game...also taught me that I'm an idiot and don't understand how slide puzzles work

(2 edits) (-1)

to ti pomůže 



Rádo se stalo

so they will release 2.0 but only the version of 2.0 that has the  patch, so like 2.0.1?

bro they just realeased it on their patreon.............. like dawg


i meant for the public and no, I don't have enough money to sustain a monthly subscription.

let them cook, they fixing bugs in 2.0 before public release

Como actualizo FAPNF

es que no me da la noche 2 :(

Si eres patreon solo ve el patreon de Fatal Fire y descarga la 2.1, sino lo eres osea no pagaste tus 15 dolares aca en esta pagina solo esta la 1.9 a espera de la 2.0 y de aca 2 meses la 2.1 que tiene la noche 2. :))


whats the 0.1.9 update i have not played this game in a while


Excelente juego, veo potencial


Una ayudita por favor, quiero jugar el modo Arcade pero inesperadamente el juego se cierra una y otra vez!!!Porque pasa eso??? O pueden arreglarlo??? Porfisss!!! Soy nuevo aqui!!!

(1 edit)

no es un error o el juego tiene algo tal vez sea que tu pc no lo aguanta al juego yo lo tengo y me anda genial y nunca se me cerro

No te preocupes, solo tuve que bajarle los graficos a "bajo" y asi si corre normal el juego en el modo Arcade, y juego normal... No hay problema... OwO 

"Bro, unfortunately, it happens to me too. The only way is to lower the game's quality to the minimum, making it unwatchable and unplayable. And frankly, I don't understand why my new PC (maybe because it's a laptop?) can't handle it... I've heard it might have something to do with Windows 11."

No amigo el windows 11 no tiene nada que ver yo tambien lo tengo , estoy en un portatil y el juego lo tengo en graficos Ultra y esta en 60fps estables, asi que en eso del windows no tiene nada que ver, creo que la tarjeta gráfica ayuda mucho y una ram de 8 deberia ser suficiente. :))

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the view speed is like super fast, i almost can't play bcause of it . i already tried to lower the mouse sensibility but in the game is still very fast , how can I fix my problem?

Lo que te recomendaria es bajar la sensibilidad del mouse aparte en configuraciones de tu PC algunos lo tienen muy alto, ese es mi consejo . :))

so when we get a new version released to itch, will it be 2.0 or 2.1 due to the crashes.

2.0 porque el parche aun no lo han sacado me imagino será por acá donde lo suban quizás en un par de semanas.


es fanatica de lo sensual

chiku tiene una foto mía XD

why does arcade mode and story mode keep crashing?

Lower resolution and graphics to low. If still crashing then try this next. 

Open up task manager, then go to details and set the game's priority to high. (Might need to have the game running, in order to do it)

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